I haven't posted for a while. I have really been trying to discover what life is like without having a computer or phone screen glaring back at you. The school year is ending, and as sad as that may seem sometimes, as much as I know I will miss some good friendships, and as much as I worry about what summer holds for me, I cant wait to leave. I have never had much if an independent personality. I love to rely on boyfriends, friends and family, anyone I know that will be there for me really. But I am so excited to go and be on my own this summer. This school year has been incredibly challenging. My friendships have been tested, my relationship failed and the problems that surrounded my family seemed innumerable sometimes. Its funny, as I sit here and the sun shines down on me I wonder how I made it through this year.
As I start the summer before my last year at WKU and as my brother goes off to Switzerland for two years and as my group of friends all branch out in various directions I cant help but sit and think of the work God will be doing through it all. I recently finished a book called, "A Praying Life" and the last page of the book reads, "God bids us to choose, do we believe or do we not? Will we be bold enough to love, daring enough to serve, humble enough to submit, and strong enough to notice our limitations? Can we surrender our concern in things that don't matter so that we might devote our remaining days to things that do?" I am leaving WKU without looking back and wondering what could have been in the last year. I am leaving with an open mind as to what could be this summer. Most importantly, I am leaving with no regrets because through everything this past year, God has proven time and time again that He remains faithful.
I have sat and tried to find an eloquent way to say this, but cant, so here goes, none of this stuff matters. As much as we want hurt to overwhelm us, and as much time we waste thinking about parties and homework and where we sit in the scheme of life, it doesn't matter. Our relationships with people matter. Put time and thought into that. Friendships and family are what we have, so allow them to grow. Put time into people instead of mundanely flipping through Facebook, even though we are all aware that nothing interesting is on there. Pursue people, seek people out, be in constant fellowship. I don't want to waste a minute of my summer. I want to serve, submit to and love each relationship that is built this summer. So this is my goodbye WKU. Ill see you next year.